Benefits of having a continuous glucose control monitoring system (CGM)?

Say goodbye to the pain of pricking your fingers.
It takes about one hour for some systems to start working.
At TryCGM some of our sensors last up to 14 days, giving you peace of mind that your glucose that you can focus on living life and not pricking your finger.
With CGM, your glucose, your glucose control will improve. Studies have shown that together with a healthy diet and tighter glucose control, your A1C levels can improve.
The highs and lows of your glucose level can go unobserved with many daily finger sticks products. With the trycgm sensor, glucose levels are constantly monitored, so you can see trends over time that can help you manage your diabetes with ease and comfort. If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Our scanner and the use of our products is totally safe for you. Our scanner can help you improve the quality of glycemic control, reduce the risk of hypoglycemia, and permit selection of lower target levels for glucose.

Continuous glucose monitoring, or CGM, works by measuring the glucose levels of the substance in and around cells known as interstitial fluid. Unlike traditional blood glucose meter (BGM) technology which relies on a blood sample to calibrate a reading of glucose levels at the time of testing, CGM tracks the glucose levels of interstitial fluid 24/7 through the means of glucose sensor. 1 Glucose levels measured from interstitial fluid indirectly indicate blood glucose levels. This sensor is placed under the skin, typically on the abdomen or arm.
Although CGM technology has recently been popularized and more accessible, the scientific principles behind it date back over 50 years to the early 1960s. After decades of technological development, CGM today is classified as third-generation biosensor blood glucose technology.
CGM is cost-effective as it is covered by Medicare or Private Health Insurance. If, however, you don't have insurances you can still avail the product at extremely competitive prices. If you are not insured, or have a high deductible health insurance plan, you can still purchase the our Reader and Sensors at extremely competitive prices. Prices starting as low as $99 per month.

Using CGM is So Simple. All you have to do is place the sensor anywhere on your skin (preferably on the upper arm) and within an hour of insertion, your blood glucose levels will be available.

*Fingersticks are required for treatment decisions when you see Check Blood Glucose symbol, when symptoms do not match system readings when you suspect readings may be in accurate, or when you experience symptoms that may be due to high or low blood glucose.
Reference 1: Data on file. Abbott Diabetes Care. 2, FreeStyle Libre 14 day User’s Manual
Indications and Important Safety Information
FreeStyle Libre and FreeStyle Libre 14 day Flash Glucose Monitoring systems are continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices indicated for replacing blood glucose testing and detecting trends and tracking patterns aiding in the detection of episodes of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, facilitating both acute and long-term therapy adjustments in persons (age 18 and older) with diabetes. The systems are intended for single patient use and require a prescription.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Remove the sensor before MRI, CT scan, X-ray, or diathermy treatment.
WARNINGS/LIMITATIONS: Do not ignore symptoms that may be due to low or high blood glucose, hypoglycemic unawareness, or dehydration. Check sensor glucose readings with a blood glucose meter when Check Blood Glucose symbol appears, when symptoms do not match system readings, or when readings are suspected to be inaccurate. The system does not have alarms unless the sensor is scanned, and the system contains small parts that may be dangerous if swallowed. The system is not approved for pregnant women, persons on dialysis, or critically-ill population. Sensor placement is not approved for sites other than the back of the arm and standard precautions for transmission of blood borne pathogens should be taken. The built-in blood glucose meter is not for use on dehydrated, hypotensive, in shock, hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar state, with or without ketosis, neonates, critically-ill patients, or for diagnosis or screening of diabetes. When using FreeStyle LibreLink app, access to a blood glucose monitoring system is required as the app does not provide one. Review all product information before use or contact Abbott Toll Free (855-632-8658) or visit for detailed indications for use and safety information.html. . FreeStyle, Libre, and related brand marks are trademarks of Abbott Diabetes Care Inc. in various jurisdictions. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2018 Abbott. ADC-09691 vLO 10/18
*The FreeStyle LibreLink app and the FreeStyle Libre 14 day reader have similar but not identical features. Fingersticks are required for treatment decisions when you see Check Blood Glucose symbol, when symptoms do not match system readings, when you suspect readings may be inaccurate, or when you experience symptoms that may be due to high or low blood glucose.
The FreeStyle Libre 2 app and the FreeStyle Libre 2 reader have similar but not identical features. Fingersticks are required for treatment decisions when you see Check Blood Glucose symbol and when your glucose alarms and readings from the system do not match symptoms or expectations
‡‡‡Based on the sensor being replaced once every 14 days, and scanned at least once every 8 hours.
§§§Glucose readings are not available during 1-hour warm-up, when sensor is too hot or too cold, when you see an error or "LO" or "HI" message, or no current glucose reading